How to Lose Weight on the Bean Protocol

In the last year, the Bean protocol has become popular for healing everything from hormonal imbalance to arthritis, but it’s also a plan to help people lose weight. Check out these weight loss tips.

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    It Lowers Your Aldosterone

    When the adrenals produce too much aldosterone, it causes your body to lose too much potassium and retain too much sodium, which increases water retention, blood volume, and blood pressure. From there, other symptoms like headaches, fatigue, high blood pressure, muscle cramps, and more symptoms can occur.

    To lower aldosterone production in the body, one can remove caffeine and sugars from the diet to prevent the release of more aldosterone into the body which helps you lose weight. 

    Next, it’s crucial to rest throughout the day and get a minimum of 8-hours of sleep so the adrenals can recuperate from releasing excess hormones into the body.

    Sleep is an amazing way to lose weight naturally!

    Increase Metabolic Rate

    Bean Protocol Weight Loss

    Increasing the rate your body can burn calories can help with weight loss. The best and easiest way to do this is by drinking a lot of room temperature water. You shouldn’t be gulping it down either - sip it through it the day so your body can retain the water and actually hydrate. Otherwise, you’ll be running to the bathroom every five minutes. 

    Another important factor is eating protein. Protein not only prevents muscle loss, but can also increase appetite-reducing hormones and reduce hunger hormones. Plus, eating protein burns calories!  

    If your body isn’t too stressed out, you can also add low-impact exercises to help build muscle. Otherwise, 30-minute walks each day are a great alternative. If you need a little more fun, I also enjoy shaking my booty to my favorite tunes!

    If you’re rolling your eyes and wondering how you can lose weight without exercise, just follow the rest of these suggestions, and it can totally happen!

    Limit Carbs to those found in Beans and Unsaturated Fats

    When trying to lose weight on the bean protocol, with a limited amount of exercise, it’s recommended to limit carbs to those found in beans and unsaturated fats. Not only are beans, nuts, and oils full of nutrients, but carbs can easily be converted into energy once consumed. 

    This also means that it’s time to reduce sugar or remove it completely. This includes your favorite fruits 😬. Don’t freak out!! Not all people need to do this, but it may be worth experimenting with reducing sugars to see how your body reacts to fructose when you need healing and when you’ve healed.

    For example, while I was healing fruit made me explode - bloating, acne, and other things. After I healed, I added different fruits and noted how my body reacted to different amounts - and now I know my limits! 

    bean protocol weight loss 2

    Eating Vegetables

    When you fill yourself with a wide variety of vegetables, not only does the body become nourished, but these foods tend to have fewer calories compared to processed foods. Everything from dense vegetable soups, salads, and raw or cooked veggies aid in losing weight. Not surprising, right?

    Consuming at least three servings of veggies a day will not only keep you full and satisfied but also heal the body since they have tons of vitamins that the body needs!

    Plus they have more fiber which totally makes digestion a breeze. Hello, healthy poops!

    Removing Fat from the Bloodstream with Soluble Fiber

    Our bodies make a digestive fluid called bile, made up of fats produced by excess hormones and toxins. Unfortunately, 90% - 95% of bile is recirculated in the body UNLESS (yes, there’s a solution) we consume soluble fiber. 

    Soluble fiber, found in beans and lentils, loves fat. But, as mentioned before, bile is fat. So, the soluble fiber you eat will bind to fat (even fat you eat with your meals). But the great thing about soluble fiber is that it can’t re-circulate in the body. When soluble fiber and bile attach, there’s only one place for these love birds to go… the toilet! Hooray! This is important because it also removes those excess toxins and hormones that are making you feel so crappy.

    Weight loss on the Bean Protocol is strict.

    You can apply any of these lifestyle changes to lose weight. Doing all of these five weight loss tips will speed up the number of pounds you shed faster, but is it sustainable? 

    After following the protocol for a year, I didn’t feel like it was the right fit. I think it’s more important to listen to your intuition and learn the tolerance your body has to certain foods, exercises, and stress.

    In the end, when you listen to your body, you can get even better results without feeling you need to sacrifice foods you enjoy and so that you can live your best life and still lose weight! 

    Do people lose weight on the bean protocol?

    Yes, many people do due to removing all sugars, eating more veggies, and limiting bread-like carbs and starchy foods if their goal is to lose weight.

    How long does it take for the bean protocol to work?

    People see changes in symptoms as early as two weeks, but it’s recommended to stay on the protocol for at least three cycles of the protocol which consist of 90-days each.

    What can you eat on the Bean Protocol

    • All beans excluding soy.

    • Every vegetable.

    • Lean protein including eggs.

    Got questions about the Bean Protocol? Check out the FAQ to see if it’s already been answered.

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    Yazzi | Intuitive Wellness Coach

    Teaching you the intuitive approach to health, wellness, woo, & the bean protocol. Got too many hormones? Free Guide: Reset Your Hormones with Beans👇

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