What is Human Design (Plus BodyGraph Chart Tutorial)

Human Design was channeled by “Ru Uru Hu” (a white guy) while he was (probably not sober) on a beach in Greece. The system that spirit shared with him was like a system that teaches us how to respond to life to live to our fullest potential.

Its multidisciplinary approach provides insight into who we are or why we approach life a particular way.

Let’s get into the basics so you can learn how to pull your chart on MyBodyGraph and learn a little more about yourself.

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    What is Human Design?

    Human design is a beautiful mix of Astrology, the Iching, Kabala, and many other amazing teachings. But in its essence, it says, “Our Design reveals the way we came to live our Heaven on Earth.

    Before our soul comes down, it chooses the exact gifts and purposes it wants to share in this lifetime. Then, of course, we temporarily forget the details of this mission when we land here because the whole point of this journey is to remember who we are (aka the Divine in human form).“ Jenna Zoe

    Pulling Your Free Human Design Chart with My Body Graph

    Step 1. Gather Your Birth Details

    To pull your human design chart go to Mybodygraph.com. You will need to know your birth country, birth city, birth state(province), and birth time in military hours.

    (sorry for those who don’t know what time you were born, it’s a big part of the process).

    Step 2. Enter Your Information


    Once you enter your information, you will get redirected to a page with YOUR human design chart.

    This page is the Talking BodyGraph. Feel free to listen to the audio here. 

    Step 3. Go to myBodyGraphs

    Next, select the tab on the top left called myBodyGraphs. (if you’re on the phone, go to the menu in the top right, and choose myBodyGraphs).

    You will get a chart that looks like the one below with more information listed on the right. (This is my chart! And it’s stunning! haha.) Clicking on the body graph or links in the information center will reveal extra details about your design.

    An example of yazzi's human design chart as a manifesting generator

    Reading your Human Design Chart

    Human Design TYPEs

    Your results will lead you to five different types. Do yourself a favor, and don’t get caught up in the normalized definitions, especially Manifestor.

    Manifestors, Generators, and MGs are energy types. Projectors and Reflectors are non-energy types.


    Each type has its strategy, which, if followed correctly, can create flow in your life and is called the signature.  If you don't follow your strategy, you may experience your Not-Self, which are uncomfortable emotions.

    In my chart, when I’m in living in my design, my signature is Satisfaction. When I’m out of alignment with my strategy, I feel Frustration. BOY, IS THAT TRUE!!


    The following important factor in your chart is your Authority. Our authority determines how we should be making decisions in our lives. There are seven authorities.

    Authority From Inside the body

    • Sacral

    • Emotional/Solar Plexus

    • Splenic

    • Ego/heart

    • Self/Identity/G

    Authority From outside the body

    • Environment

    • Moon/Lunar

    Your authority is the language your body uses to communicate. Which is wild in our society because we all believe our decisions come from the mind.

    But what I love about Human Design is that it’s all sensory, and nothing is from the mind. Our mind is a tool that we use to evaluate and research, but our body (and some outside factors) tells us which signals we should be responding to.

    My authority is Emotional/Solar Plexus. My emotional authority means I must experience/feel the highs and lows of making a decision, and once my emotional wave ends, I will be able to make a decision.


    “There are 12 Profiles in the Human Design system, which can be regarded as a basic character pattern that frames a person’s life. The Profile indicates the purpose and theme in life and is directly related to the incarnation in this life.” Human Design

    There are 12 profile combinations. Each profile comprises two numbers between 1-6 and is display like #/#. The first number represents your conscious mind, and the second represents your unconscious mind.

    The profiles stem from the trigram in the I’ching. In the trigram, the top three lines are transpersonal energy, and it means you will learn with others through relationships versus your personal experience. The lower lines are all about your karma and personal experience.

    Upper Trigram

    • Line 6 The Role Model

    • Line 5 The Heretic

    • Line 4 The Opportunist

    Lower Trigram

    • Line 3 The Martyr

    • Line 2 The Hermit

    • Line 1 The investigator 

    To learn more about your profiles, check out this great article from HumanDesignTools.com.

    Incarnation Cross

    The incarnation cross is your life’s purpose! “The Incarnation Cross, in combination with the Profile, is what ultimately defines our purpose on Earth.

    There are 192 basic Incarnation Crosses in the Human Design System, each derived from a combination of the themes of our Sun and Earth positions. Together, they form the whole of our human experience.

    Your Incarnation Cross is will slowly emerge over time as you live in unison with your individualized nature and culminates in the full expression of your potential.

    It usually comes into play around the Uranus opposition, age 38-42, when you have planted a solid foundation and have a clear direction. It is in that sense the essence of your purpose through which you can leave your mark on the world.” Jovian Archive


    Before we get into how my life has changed for the better, I want to talk about the nine centers.

    Each center represents a part of your personality/subconscious.

    • Head: Inspiration, Mental Pressure, Doubt, Confusion, and Questions

    • Ajna: Thoughts, Answers, Opinions, Insights, Ideas, and Conceptualizing

    • Throat: Communication, Manifestation, Materialization, Contact with the Exterior Worlds, Outlet for Energy and Expression, Speaking and Doing

    • G-center: Identity, Love, and Direction

    • Heart: Willpower, Egoism and the Material World, and Self Worth

    • Sacral: Vital Energy, Life Force, Generator Motor, Response, Availability, Sexuality (and Fertility)

    • Solar Plexus: Emotional and Nervous System, Emotional Wave, Moods, Feelings, Emotions, Desires, Passion, Romance, Sex drive, and Food

    • Spleen: Basic (Natural) Fears, Well-Being, Immune System, Intuition, Instincts, Survival

    • Root: Drive, Ambition, Stress, Adrenaline, Worry and potential Depression

    The colored centers in your chart are "defined," which means the energy is consistent. The white centers are susceptible to taking on energy from the outside world, also known as learned conditioning.

    Gates and channels. The gates are the numbers within each center, and the channels are the lines that connect the centers.

    Gates connected to a white/open center are active gates. They “turn on” like a light switch when you are around someone with that defined center.

    Other Notes

    The black blocks on the right represent your conscious mind and personality traits you know to be true. The red blocks are your design, which represents your subconscious. Each aligns to an astrology sign and planet, connecting to a gate and channel in your personality and design.

    Best Books On Human Design

    If you want to learn so much more about human design check out these great books!

    How to Use Human Design

    When you first read aspects of your human design chart, you may be like, “this doesn’t apply to me.” I get it. When I first read my chart, some parts did NOT resonate. That’s okay. 

    Instead, try to look at it from different perspectives. Maybe write down the basics of your design and meditate on questions asked in MyBodyGraph. 

    My favorite way to apply human design is by experimenting with my Manifesting Generator Strategy. That means, when something excites me I write it down, wait for my emotional wave to feel the high and low of what it would be like to actually do the thing, then when I feel neutral about it, I make a decision to do it or not.

    If you’re an emotional authority, like me, and want to experiment, allow your emotional wave to run its course by waiting at least 24 hours to make a decision or act on a decision. 

    Using the strategy might be more challenging for Reflectors since their strategy aligns with the lunar cycles, (sorry impatient reflectors). Still, for everyone else, it’s something you can play with today!

    In the end, follow your intuition. If your intuition leads you to human design, experiment with all aspects until you find what works for you!! 

    This is exactly how I applied my human design, read more about my story here.

    Now tell me in the comments below, have you pulled your Human Design Chart? Does it resonate with you?


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