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A Complete Guide To Human Design for Manifesting Generators

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Here’s a look into my Human Design Chart as a Manifesting Generator. I will share how I’ve applied the tools and teachings into my life and how it’s helped me live my best life.

I don’t often write about spirituality or my religious beliefs. I love yoga, meditation, slow body movement, high-impact training, tarot cards, and in my life, I’ve been to a handful of church sermons. My heart and my mind are open to so much more than one practice. I’m all over the spectrum.

Lately, my practice includes Kundalini, subconscious reprogramming, reading books on the Akashic Records, and feeling more connected with my heart than ever.

But one system and practice has been overwhelmingly beautiful and eye-opening.

Enter Human Design. Over the last six months, I’ve seen a shift in my life that I never thought was imaginable, and I’ve become MORE spiritual. Human Design has opened me to a way of living that isn’t necessarily new, but what feels like is authentically me.

If you haven’t read the What is Human Design post, definitely read it before you dive into this!

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What does it mean if I’m a 4/1 Manifesting Generator?

I spewed out a whole bunch of words in that title, but they mean so much!!

Manifesting Generators are designed to respond to life before initiating energy.

Contrary to what the world/society believes about humans, Manifesting Generators types can multi-task and have many interests. MGs look to be a scattered brain or not focused enough to the outside world, but that is where our beauty lies.

How common are manifesting generators?

Manifesting Generators make up 32% of the worlds' population.

Following My Manifesting Generator Design

My job in the world is to continue to find what lights me up. And as soon as something stops igniting that flame, I need to let it go- no wonder I love decluttering, which is incredibly difficult in our society. But our MG life force energy is in finding things that spark our joy is intoxicating to others around us, which may inspire non-MGs to follow their light. Once we find that light, we move quickly to learn or obtain whatever it is.

The true definition of a Manifest Generator:

Every day a Manifesting Generator is reacting/responding to life. We can react to

  • the weather outside the window

  • a random question or sign

  • to the food we see or drink

  • or a desire to shower when listening to your favorite song or

  • doing work that is giving you a high

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the sacral response

Reacting to the world and following that gut energy or sound will lead an MG to happiness and flow (This is the sacral response). Like getting invited to an event in Phoenix. You hear yourself say uh-huh when your brother invites you. This is our gut response talking! Instead of thinking, you decide to book a last-minute flight from LAX, and you meet your future boyfriend. (This is how I met my boyfriend).

Living your life this way day by day is no mystic, but what's available to you every second if you listen to yourself.

Your gut/sacral energy will also tell you when you don't want to do something. It will sound like a low, croaking or roaring like a heavy sigh or the sound of “uh-uh” when someone asks you to do something you don’t want to do. Even the sound of your breath can show you where your energy flows.

Tuning in with your sacral will give you a life full of inexhaustible satisfaction, no matter how difficult it may be, because it is yours, genuine, and so alive. You know that you can act independently, and you have enough energy to realize your goals. Patience is a real challenge for you. If you learn to listen to your sacral sounds, wait for a response.

Using My Manifesting Generator Strategy & Authority

Because my Sacral connects to my throat, I am more Manifestor, which adds another step to my strategy.

Step 1: Strategy - Responding to Life/Environment

Like the generator type, my strategy is waiting to respond to life. My response to life will activate my sacral, giving me a feeling of yes or no that sounds like “Ahuh” for yes or “un-uh” for no. I may also shake my head up and down for yes or side to side for now.

For example, I see a concert with all of my favorite bands, and I am excited! That excitement inside me is my authority telling me it’s time to respond, aka decide it. Do I want to go to the concert or not?

Step 2: Using My Authority - Riding the Emotional Wave

If I were NOT emotional, I would ask my sacral, “should I buy tickets?” and my sacral will respond “Ahuh” or “Un-uh.”

BUT I’m emotional before my sacral can make that yes/no sound, I must experience both the Highs and Lows of wanting to go. The emotional response is a feeling. This feeling has nothing to do with my mind, and it’s likely to take up to 24 hours to experience fully. Once my wave finishes crashing between the ups and downs and I’m cruising to the shore, I’ll be in a state to make a decision.

I ask my sacral, “do I buy tickets?” and it’s either a yes or no. My sacral screams, “YES! Buy those tickets.”

Step 3: Informing

The green light from my sacral now allows me to inform and use my manifestor-energy from the colored 20/34 channel. This energy allows me to tell people about that concert and let them know I’m going. Because my energy is a high vibe and I responded to life using my authority, my friends are likely to pull the trigger.

Ps, all of the above is a true story. Watch out Just Like Heaven Fest!!

Step 4: Learning to Let go of the Not-self

First, my entire life, I’ve been able to multitask. I can do many things at once and can do them well. But if I force myself to do something, especially after the spark has fizzled out like a firecracker, I come to a block. I can’t do that thing anymore and if I try, I get completely frustrated.

And now that I’ve been experimenting with my strategy, holy shit! Like Ho-ly Shit! My life is changing and blossoming into something beautiful.

When I lived out my design (and let’s be honest, it would take forever to remove the social, family, cultural conditioning), I felt so much FRUSTRATION. Frustration is the feeling of the not-self for MGs and Generators. And that’s precisely the word I use when I’m out of alignment with my heart and soul.

When I follow my design, I trust the universe to bring me opportunities to use my strategy, and then I wait for the emotional wave to pass to make the right decision. WOW.

It’s like the world shifts. Mountains are moving, and rivers are stopping to make whatever I need come true so I can feel complete Satisfaction! It’s pure satisfaction, like when air reaches your lungs, your mind has crystal clear clarity, and you know you are at peace with the world. Simply beautiful.

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Step 4: Understanding Frustration In the Open Centers

Whenever I feel frustrated, I notice it usually has to do with my open centers: Head, Ajna, Spleen, and Root. Your open centers are the areas where you are open to conditioning by the world you grew up in - from your family, friends, school, everything!!!

I’m only going to focus on the head and Ajna because I’ve always felt like I need to know everything and care about all the details. Although I’m a detailed person, the pressure to be correct and to know everything weighed heavy on my heart, body, and soul.

And then I read when you have an open head and an open ajna, your mantra should be: “I don’t know, and I don’t care.” That one statement freed me. I felt like an eagle soaring through the sky because I no longer was trapped in a cage.

To be honest, I’ve never been great with “smart” details. Facts leave me as fast as I hear them, but when I’m genuinely intrigued by them like Human Design, they stay forever. Again just another property of an MG. But I’m okay with not knowing all the details because like science. 🤣

Can manifesting generators manifest?

Red arrows on the left side of the head. Two black arrows on the right side of the head. The bottom black arrow tells you the type of manifestor you are.

If you’re having trouble finding the arrows read the BodyGraph Chart Tutorial

Yes, Manifesting Generators can manifest.

If you discover human design via Lacy Philips and, you may want to know what type of manifestor you are.

As you know, the word to Manifest is to create something into reality. Then there’s the Manifestor Type in HD, which gets their name from creating and making life happen by informing the world of their intentions. IE Starting wars is Manifestor Energy.

However, the act of manifestation is available to everyone. And there are two ways to manifest:

  • Specifically
    write a list with exact details of what you want the universe to bring you.
    IE if you want gold hoop earrings, you describe the size, karat, design-everything.

  • Passively
    write down what you want the universe to bring you - no details - and then leave it be.
    IE back to those perfect pair of gold hoop earrings, rest assure that the universe will somehow find a way to introduce them to you. But don’t describe them, so just ask the universe to bring you earrings. It may turn out that golden studs may be just exactly what you need!!

To tell what type of manifestor you are, you look at the four arrows surrounding your head- refer to the picture above. There are two red arrows on the left side of he head, and two black arrows on the right side of the head.

The bottom right black arrow determines your manifestation type. If it points left, you are specific. If your arrow points right (like in the image above), you are a passive manifestor.

I am a passive manifestor, so I ask the universe to bring me whatever I need in all aspects of my life. 🥰

4/1 Profile

The last bit is my profile type. Six different lines are hexagrams, and two together are your profile. You can see your profile as the small numbers in the first black and red boxes on either side of the head. You always lead with the black. You can see my profile is 4/1.

4/1 have no karma. We are here to be happy.

So, I’m just going to follow my light and let my life unfold - my life. My rules. No apologies for being who I am authentically.

How to Decondition as an Manifesting Generator

With that said, we all need to decondition. IE get back to our authentic selves, to feel worthy of everything you desire on this planet while you’re alive. To know that the universe/God wants to see you flourish and will support you in fulfilling that dream.

The tools I use are below, but I also highly recommend The Pathway from that will guide you step-by-step to healing wounds and trauma and get you back to your most authentic version of yourself.

Resources to help with reconditioning

  • journal when you are feeling triggered

  • meditate and reprogram any subconscious beliefs that make you feel less than/unworthy

  • set boundaries

  • make self care a priority

My favorite tools to support my growth are because it’s pretty messy to unlearn everything, but it's necessary to evolve into your true self.

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What It Means to Be a Manifesting Generator.

I hit you with a lot of info at you at once. Which is why I want to tell you how big of an impact this knowledge has made in my life.

  • we are all unique

  • we are all perfect, and it’s our life’s journey to reconnect with our authentic selves so we can fulfill our purpose and be happy!

  • there is no bad/good - only an opportunity to grow

  • we have the support of the universe/god (whatever word you use to connect to the higher power)

  • stay out of my mind and in my body

  • my mind does not decide

  • let go even when I’ve put so much into learning or building (there is always more waiting)

  • my fears only exist if I let them.

And most importantly, don’t let the world tell you who you are. Everything is already inside of you to flourish and blossom.

I would love to know, does my description of a manifesting generator resonate with you? Tell me below

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